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Showing posts from 2018

JPCC Worship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

I will sing, I will sing of Your love for me In my life You’re my everything Chains are broken My eyes are open You’re my freedom now You have called me out from the dark Now I’m running into Your light You’ve changed my crying into dancing My lips shall praise You now Woo We praise You now Woo Nothing’s gonna stop us now Nothing’s gonna stop us now From praising, praising, from praising You! I’ll praise You forever I’ll praise You forever With everything in me Praise the name of Jesus

Life Tree - I Love To Love You Lord

I love to praise Your name I love to praise Your name I love to praise Your name, Jesus I love to love You Lord I love to seek Your face I love to seek Your face I love to seek Your face, Jesus I love to love You Lord With all my heart I worship You With all my soul I worship You With all my mind I worship You my Lord I love to love You Lord

Hillsong Worship - Mighty to Save

Everyone needs compassion Love that's never failing Let mercy fall on me Everyone needs forgiveness The kindness of a Savior The hope of nations Savior He can move the mountains My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave So take me as You find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again I give my life to follow Everything I believe in Now I surrender Shine Your light And let the whole world see We're singing for the glory Of the risen King Jesus

FreshGE - Kucari-cari

Kemanakah kucari-cari Satu kasih yang abadi Yang tak dapat mengecewakan Yang kekal selamanya Dan kini t’lah kutemukan Satu kasih yang sempurna Yang membuatku jatuh cinta padaNya Ku tak mau jauh dari kasihNya Hanya padaNya-lah kuberharap Oh….. Oh Yesusku Sungguh indah kurasakan Hidup bersamaMu Dan mengalamiMu Dan tak pernah Ingin kulepas dari pelukan Dan cintaMu Kaulah cinta sejatiku

City Harvest Church - Come Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit fall on me now I need Your anointing come in Your power I love You Holy Spirit, You’re captivating my soul And everyday I grow to love You more I’m reaching for Your heart You hold my life in Your hands Drawing me closer to You I feel Your power renews Nothing compares to this place Where I can see You face to face I worship You in Spirit and in truth

Welyar Kauntu - RencanaMu Indah

Tuhan kupercaya, rencanaMu indah Walau saat ini tak ku mengerti Engkau t’lah berfirman, kan b’ri masa depan Damai sejahtera, penuh harapan Ku tahu rencanaMu indah bagiku Ku tahu kehendakMu baik bagiku Ku tahu rancanganMu sempurna bagiku Ku tahu jalan-jalanMu yang terbaik bagiku

Sari Simorangkir - Bagi Tuhan Tak Ada Yang Mustahil

Ku yakin saat Kau berfirman Ku menang saat Kau bertindak Hidupku hanya ditentukan oleh perkataanMu Ku aman karna Kau menjaga Ku kuat karna Kau menopang Hidupku hanya ditentukan oleh kuasaMu Bagi Tuhan tak ada yang mustahil Bagi Tuhan tak ada yang tak mungkin MujizatNya disediakan bagiku Ku diangkat dan dipulihkanNya

UX Band - Ku B'rikan

Telah kudapati Kasih yang sejati Yang mampu mengubahkan hatiku Kasih yang Kau beri Jauh melebihi Segalanya di dalam hidupku Kub'rikan semua yang berharga Semua yang mulia Semua yang terbaik dari hidupku Hanyalah bagiMu Hanyalah untukMu Hanyalah bagi kemuliaanMu

Israel Houghton - You Are Good

Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever People from every nation and tongue From generation to generation We worship You, hallelujah, hallelujah We worship You for who You are We worship You, hallelujah, hallelujah We worship You for who You are And You are good Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever People from every nation and tongue From generation to generation We worship You, hallelujah, hallelujah We worship You for who You are We worship You, hallelujah, hallelujah We worship You for who You are And You are good So good, so good, yeah You are good, all the time And all the time, You are good, yeah You are good, all the time All the time, You are good You are good, all the time All the time, You are good, yeah You are good, all the time All the time, You are good Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever Lord, You...

Welyar Kauntu - Kasih Allah Tak Berkesudahan

Kasih Allah tak berkesudahan S'lalu baru  setiap pagi RahmatNyapun tak pernah berakhir Seumur hidupku Dengan sukacita ku 'kan menari Dengan sorak-sorai memuji Kunaikkan pujian haleluya Nyanyi bagi Dia Sang Raja Nyanyi bagi Dia Sang Raja (selamanya)

GMS Worship - Your Love

Oh God, we magnify Your name Glorify Your name Your love is beautiful Your love is wonderful We want to live for You, lift Your name on high Your grace is beautiful Your grace is wonderful Jesus Your love is higher than the sky Deeper than the sea Wider than the ocean Dims the glamour of the world Jesus we fix our eyes on You We yield our hearts to You We want to forget about ourselves And worship You in Your holy place Oh God, we magnify Your name Glorify Your name Your love is beautiful Your love is wonderful We want to live for You, lift Your name on high Your grace is beautiful Your grace is wonderful

Bethel Worship - Bapa Kau Setia

Bapa Kau setia Bapa Kau mulia Tenanglah jiwaku Aman bersamaMu Lebih dari harta Kaulah segalaNya Tenanglah jiwaku Dalam hadiratMu Kau tunjukan kasih setiaMu Kau menyediakan yang kuperlu Kau Setia Kau Mulia Dulu s'karang dan s'lamaNya Kau tunjukan kasih setiaMu Kau menyediakan yang kuperlu Kau setia kau Mulia Bapa Kau setia

Kim Walker - I Need You More

I need you more, more than yesterday I need you more, more than words can say. I need you more, than ever before I need you, Lord, I need you, Lord. More than the air I breathe, more than the song I sing More than the next heartbeat, more than anything. And lord, as this time goes by, I'll be by your side Cause I never want to go back to my old life. I need you more, more than yesterday I need you more, more than words can say. I need you more, than ever before I need you, Lord, I need you, Lord. I need you more, more than yesterday I need you more, more than words can say. I need you more, than ever before I need you, Lord, I need you, Lord. More than the air I breathe, more than the song I sing More than the next heartbeat, more than anything. And lord, as this time goes by, I'll be by your side Cause I never want to go back to my old life. I need you more, more than yesterday I need you more, more than words can say. I need you more, than ever befo...

Brian Littrell - In Christ Alone

In Christ alone will I glory Though I could pride myself in battles won For I've been blessed beyond measure And by His strength alone I'll overcome Oh, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hands But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand In Christ alone I place my trust And find my glory in the power of the Cross In every victory Let it be said of me My source of strength My source of hope Is Christ alone In Christ alone will I glory For only by His grace I am redeemed For only His tender mercy Could reach beyond my weakness to my need And now I seek no greater honor than just to know Him more And to count my gains but losses to the glory of my Lord In Christ alone I place my trust And find my glory in the power of the cross In every victory Let it be said of me My source of strength My source of hope In Christ alone I place my trust And find my glory in the power of the cross In every victory Let it be s...

Owl City - In Christ Alone

In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song; this Cornerstone, this solid Ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, when fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My Comforter, my All in All, here in the love of Christ I stand. There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain: Then bursting forth in glorious Day Up from the grave he rose again! And as He stands in victory Sin's curse has lost its grip on me, For I am His and He is mine - Bought with the precious blood of Christ. No guilt in life, no fear in death, This is the power of Christ in me; From life's first cry to final breath. Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand. Till He returns or calls me home, Here in power of Christ I'll stand. Here in the power o...

JPCC Worship - Roh-Mu yang Hidup

Roh-Mu yang hidup penuhiku Mengalir dalamku Jiwaku tenang bersama-Mu Dalam naungan-Mu! Kubuka hati 'tuk jamahan-Mu Berserah penuh di hadirat-Mu Kauambil alih s'luruh hidupku Di altar-Mu menyembah-Mu Roh-Mu yang kudus pulihkanku Engkaulah damaiku Kuhidup oleh anug'rah-Mu Yang menyertaiku Yang menyertaiku! Kubuka hati 'tuk jamahan-Mu Berserah penuh di hadirat-Mu Kauambil alih s'luruh hidupku Di altar-Mu menyembah-Mu Kubuka hati 'tuk jamahan-Mu Berserah penuh di hadirat-Mu Kauambil alih s'luruh hidupku Di altar-Mu menyembah-Mu Roh-Mu yang kudus pulihkanku Engkaulah damaiku Kuhidup oleh anug'rah-Mu Yang menyertaiku Roh-Mu yang hidup penuhiku Datang urapiku Kusiap t'rima kuasa-Mu Hidupku bagi-Mu Kubuka hati 'tuk jamahan-Mu Berserah penuh di hadirat-Mu Kauambil alih s'luruh hidupku Di altar-Mu menyembah-Mu Kubuka hati 'tuk jamahan-Mu Berserah penuh di hadirat-Mu Kauambil alih s'luruh hidupku Di altar...

Audrey Assad - It Is Well With My Soul

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul. It is well (it is well) with my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

Israel Houghton - I Surrender All

All to Jesus I surrender All to Him I freely give I will ever love and trust Him In His presence daily live All to Jesus I surrender Humbly at His feet I bow Worldly pleasures all forsaken Take me Jesus take me now I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all All to Jesus I surrender Make me Savior wholly Thine Let me feel the Holy Spirit Truly know that Thou art mine I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all All to Jesus I surrender All to Him I freely give I will ever love and trust Him In His presence daily live I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all

GMS Worship - Tegak Kepalaku

Kaulah benteng hidupku Terang dan keselamatanku Pada siapa ku harus takut Dan gemetar Walau badai mengepung Kaulah tempatku berlindung Hanya satu tekadku Takkan tinggalkan imanku Mujizat kemenangan kan nyata Kala ku berseru kepadaMu Maka sekarang tegak kepalaku Mengatasi musuh di sekeliling Dalam kemahMu kan kupersembahkan Korban pujian sorak kemenangan

GMS Worship - The Lord is My Strength

縱然是無花果樹不發旺 Zòngrán shì wúhuāguǒ shù bù fā wàng 葡萄樹也不結果 pútáo shù yě bù jiéguǒ 雖然橄欖樹不效力 suīrán gǎnlǎn shù bù xiàolì 田地也無法收成 tiándì yě wúfǎ shōuchéng 就算是圈中無羊 jiù suànshì quān zhōng wú yáng 棚內牛群也不生養 péng nèi niú qún yě bù shēngyǎng 我仍然要歡欣快樂 wǒ réngrán yào huānxīn kuàilè 因耶和華 神是我救主 yīn yēhéhuá shén shì wǒ jiù zhǔ 祂賜給我能力 tā cì gěi wǒ nénglì 使我腳快如母鹿的蹄 shǐ wǒ jiǎo kuài rú mǔ lù de tí 又使我穩行在高處 yòu shǐ wǒ wěn xíng zài gāo chù 因主是我的力量 yīn zhǔ shì wǒ de lìliàng Even though the fig trees has no fruit And no grapes grow on the vines Even though the olive crop fails And the fields produce no corn Even though the sheep all die And the cattle stalls are empty I will still be joyful and glad Because The Lord God is my Savior The Lord gives me strength He makes me surefooted as a deer And keep me safe on the mountain Because The Lord is my strength 我仍然要歡欣快樂 wǒ réngrán yào huānxīn kuàilè 因耶和華 神是我救主 yīn yēhéhuá shén shì wǒ jiù zhǔ 祂賜給我能力 tā cì gěi wǒ nénglì 使我...

GMS Worship - Jesus I’m in Love with You

Jesus, I’m in love with You I’m in Love with you, forever I’ll be Yours You are everything to me, and all I ever need is You Iesu aishimasu Aishimasu kokorososogi Tada anata da ke, shitai motomemasu Afureru afureru Anata wo shitau omoi Mi soba ni hikiyosete shuyo Shitai motomemasu Jesus, I’m in love with You I’m in Love with you, forever I’ll be Yours You are everything to me, and all I ever need is You My heart is full, my heart is full With love and desire, that will know no end Come draw me near, in Your embrace I belong Lord, all I ever need is You

GMS Worship - Peluk Aku

Peluk aku kasihi aku Biar ku merasakan dekapan kasihMu Peluk aku kasihi aku Sungguh ku merindu bersamaMu Tuhan Yang membuatku terpesona Akan keajaiban hadiratMu Bukanlah jawaban yang kuperlu Tapi jamahan yang ubahkanku Bantu diriku tuk merasakan Kau slalu hadir di hidupku

GMS Worship - Embun Pagi

JanjiMu embun pagi Menjadikan sejuk hati Kumendengar suaraMu S’perti lagu Pagi ini ku terbangun Pada harapan yang baru Seolah ku pertama kali Mendengar suaraMu Seperti embun pagi yang sejuk Bak melodi imanku di hati Kupilih untuk s’lalu percaya Bahwa hari ini aku akan sembuh

GMS Worship - Immanuel

Kudengar tentangMu Immanuel Kudengar firmanMu Immanuel Kau besertaku  Kau menjagaku Immanuel Dalam kehidupanku Kau sertaku Dalam setiap langkahku Kau jagaku S'bab Kau Bapaku dan Rajaku Engkau besertaku Saat badai menerpa ku tak takut Karena Kau besertaku di manapun ku ada Terima kasih buat kasihMu Terima kasih buat cintaMu Ku tak mau ku tak mampu Jauh dariMu

GMS Worship - Di Luar Pikiran

Syukur atas kuasa salibMu Tak terjangkau akal budiku Kau yang mulia rela jadi hina Terima kasih Kau t'lah bersedia Syukur atas kuasa darahMu Dan pengorbananMu Bilur-bilurMu menyembuhkan Lebih dari yang ku harapkan Percaya mujizat terjadi KuasaMu nyata di sini Kau melakukan perkara heran Di luar pikiran Percaya mujizat terjadi KuasaMu nyata di sini Jauh melampaui pikiranku Aku sudah sembuh

GMS Worship - JanjiMu

Lebih dari para penjaga Mengharap fajar pagi Segenap asaku dan relung hati Berharap padaMu Walau ku tak dapat Melihat jalanMu Namun kumemilih ‘Tuk percaya penuh PadaMu Yesus Kupercaya akan JanjiMu Tak sedetik pun aku ragu Satu hal ku tahu bahwa janjiMu Tak akan pernah lekang oleh waktu Pasti digenapi Kar’na Kau yang berjanji Adalah setia Engkau yang lebih tahu

GMS Worship - Ku Nantikan Janji Allah

Ku nantikan janji Allah dig`napi dalamku Ku harapkan yang terbaik terjadi di dalamku Yang ku tahu Dia kerjakan seturut FirmanNya Bagi kemuliaanNya Yang ku yakin Dia sediakan seturut kasihNya Bagiku

GMS Worship - Apa Adanya

KebenaranMu di batinku Ku simpan perkataanMu Jujur tulus murni Di hadapanMu Tak ada selubung Kau dapati Di dalamku dan hatiku terbuka 'Tuk Kau s'lidiki s'lalu Ku datang padaMu Bapa terang Apa adanya Tiada yang ku sembunyikan Yang Kau lihat padaku semuanya Ku berikan kepadaMu apa adanya Hatiku milikMu Yang Kau minta bukan sempurna Yang Kau rindukan ku tanpa pura-pura Ku tanggalkan pembelaanku Ku lepaskan setiap topengku Ketika kudatang apa adanya 'Kan kulihat Kau apa adanya Di sanalah ku terima Anugerah aku dit'rima

GMS Worship - Pengampunan Adalah

Dalam keg'lapan hatiku Tak hentinya anugrahMu Engkaulah satu kasih sejati Tuhan ajarku mengerti Diampuni itu sangat indah Diampuni itu mulia Yang Kau rindukan ku bahagia Ku mau memb'ri yang ku t'rima Mengampuni itu kasih Mengampuni itu indah Damai sejahtera sukacita tak terkata Hati yang melimpah Mengampuni itu memb'ri Mengampuni itu rela Tak 'kan ku tolak kerinduanMu ya Bapa Ampuni sesama

GMS Worship - The River

It doesn't matter who you are It doesn't matter where you've been It doesn't matter what the scar It doesn't matter what the sin It doesn't matter how you fell Somewhere along the way There is healing for your life Today There's a river that flows From the fountain of God And it heals everything Along the way I have tasted and known That for every broken heart There is healing in Jesus' name He looks beyond how far you've gone He looks beyond when you were hurt He looks beyond who stole your song He looks beyond what it worst He looks beyond where others failed To reach out to you and say There is healing for your life Today It's a river that loves It's a river that lives It's a river of life Living water it gives